Annual Events
Celebrating the continued presence of the Agaidika Shoshone and the time the Lewis and Clark Expedition spent in Lemhi County from August 12 to September 3, 1805. Please join us for the annual gathering on August 17t, 2024.
6am -Memorial Walk/Run from Tendoy School to Lemhi Pass
9am -Sacajawea Interpretive Center opens for the day
3pm -Feast
4pm -Indian Games (for all ages)
2700 Main Street
Salmon, Idaho
Fall Frolic
October 12, 2024
Celebrating the changing season with pioneer games, crafts, food, music and a pumpkin patch. Join us Saturday, October 12 for an event and activities for the whole family!
Sacajawea Center Special Events
This list only includes events hosted or sponsored by the Sacajawea Center. Many other events take place onsite throughout the season. If the event you are looking for is not listed here it is likely hosted by another organization.
To navigate through the calendar below click to the month you are interested in and then click a specific date.
2020 Sacajawea Center Special Events
This list only includes events hosted or sponsored by the Sacajawea Center. Many other events take place onsite throughout the season. If the event you are looking for is not listed here it is likely hosted by another organization.
Our calendar is not easy to read on small screens. You can follow this link to our TEAMUP CALENDAR but please note it may be hard to navigate.